
CCYR Mooring Information
Posted On: August 10, 2018
Greetings, Corinthian Classic entrants: With the regatta tomorrow, we want to provide you with information on procedures regarding mooring and launch service. As you are aware, you will be supplied with a free mooring from Friday afternoon for the duration of the event ending Sunday evening. We respectfully ask that you leave your mooring after the Awards Ceremony on Sunday evening. If you need to stay longer, please see the Dockmaster on duty before Sunday to discuss your needs. All vessels remaining in the harbor after the Event must have some form of local representation in case of emergency. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Here is what you need to do once you arrive at Marblehead Harbor:
We look forward to hearing from you on Channel 9 this Friday and we will do everything we can to ensure that your stay is comfortable. Jack Carney |