
Alerions? Who's In?
Posted On: July 15, 2019
The Alerion Express 28 is one of the most beautiful 'Spirit of Tradition' yachts cruising and racing today. There really isn't a more exciting and just plain fun regatta than the Corinthian Classic Yacht Regatta, August 10th & 11th. Combine the two and you've got a WINNER! Ugotta do this Regatta! For 2019, all AE 28's will participate in a Pursuit Start based on their "OFFICIAL" CRF MK II Rating. The CCYR will award Alerion 28 Class Trophies to the best performing AE 28's. Additionally, you'll also be eligible for hardware in the Spirit of Tradition (SoT) Division. You're a very good sailor and you're not afraid of goin' for the gusto, so make the Corinthian Classic Yacht Regatta the event of your season. Let's make a real race of it; tell other A28 owners. The more, the better. A 2019 CRF MK II rating certificate is required for entry. Please apply here: CRF site The 2019 Corinthian Classic Yacht Regatta will be held August 10th & 11th.
A good regatta happens on and off the water and you can expect that the CCYR and the Corinthian Yacht Club will put on a good show. There will be a cocktail reception during registration Friday evening; cocktails, dinner, presentations and music on deck afterwards Saturday evening, and of course, more beverages and trophies after racing Sunday. Instructions to enter can be found on our website at Quick Links: |